asphalt shingle roof cost

How Much Does Roof Replacement Cost in Tulsa, OK?

How much does roof replacement cost in Tulsa Oklahoma? From asphalt shingle roofs to metal roofing, compare roof replacement costs with this free resource.

If you’re on the market for a roof, read this guide first. We explore roofing options and help you find the best price from roofing contractors in your area.

Roofing Prices

Asphalt Roof Replacement Cost in Tulsa, OK

Below are multiple calculators you can use to estimate the price of a roof replacement in Tulsa, OK

Average New Roof Cost in Tulsa, OK

Roof Size (total square footage) Roof Type Low End $ High End $
1,000 – 2,000 sq ft All Roof Types $4,005 $10,383
1,500 – 2,200 sq ft All Roof Types $5,690 $11,743
2,300 – 2,700 sq ft All Roof Types $7,306 $14,229
2,700 – 3,000 sq ft All Roof Types $8,801 $15,105
3,000+ sq ft All Roof Types $10,706 $18,421
*Price ranges by location, pitch, and materials used

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Metal Roof Replacement Costs in Tulsa, OK

Roof Size (total square footage) Roof Type Low End $ High End $
1,000  sq ft Metal Roofing $6,107 $9,505
1,600  sq ft Metal Roofing $9,233 $4,769
2,000 sq ft Metal Roofing $12,723 $18,171
2,400 sq ft Metal Roofing $15,697 $23,998
3,000 sq ft Metal Roofing $18,330 $27,004
*Price ranges by location, pitch, and materials used

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Asphalt Shingle Roof Replacement Cost in Tulsa, OK

Roof Size (total square footage) Roof Type Low End $ High End $
1,000  sq ft Asphalt Roofing $4,146 $6,932
1,600  sq ft Asphalt Roofing $5,160 $8,951
2,000 sq ft Asphalt Roofing $6,192 $11,905
2,400 sq ft Asphalt Roofing $9,520 $13,863
3,000 sq ft Asphalt Roofing $10,990 $16,301
*Price ranges by location, pitch, and materials used

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You can increase your negotiating power the next time you have a new roof installed by learning about average costs and comparing prices from at least three companies.

The cost of a new asphalt roof varies greatly. The materials you choose, and the labor required to install the roof all affect the cost of the job.

A new asphalt roof can cost from $5,009 to $18,721. As an example, the price of a new asphalt roof will vary depending on its accessibility, size, and pitch.

Asphalt Roof Installation

Reliable Roofing Contractors in Tulsa, OK:

Below is a list of reputable roofing contractors in Tulsa. Reach out to them directly, or use our tool to compare prices to get the best deal.

Messick Roofing & Construction
1320 E 58th St
Tulsa, OK 74105

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Arrowhead Roofing
5810 S 118th E Ave Suite A
Tulsa, OK 74146

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1st Priority Roofing Tulsa
2121 S 125th E Ave #101
Tulsa, OK 74129

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Conrad’s Roofing
6247 E 15th St
Tulsa, OK 74112

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Zip Codes Served: 74008, 74012, 74014, 74015, 74021, 74037, 74055, 74073, 74103, 74104, 74105, 74106, 74107, 74108, 74110, 74112, 74114, 74115, 74116, 74117

Click below for more information about the average cost to tear off and replace your home roof.

Roofing Prices

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