How Much Does Vinyl Siding Cost in San Jose, CA

In San Jose, new vinyl siding may cost $4,108 to $15,341. Use this free calculator to determine how much vinyl siding costs in your neighborhood. The cost will be driven by the amount of siding you need, type of siding, and repair versus replacement needs.


Vinyl Siding Replacement

Siding Repairs

Vinyl Siding Installation Cost in San Jose Per Square Foot

National Average Cost$11.81
Highest Cost Nationally$43
Lowest Cost Nationally$2.40

Other Siding Materials and Costs

Below is a chart displaying the average cost for house siding in San Jose according to various types of material used.

Siding MaterialCost Per Square FootNational Average Cost Installed
Aluminum Siding$1.55 – $7.14$2,902 – $14,106
Brick Siding$5.20 – $14.45$9,450 – $30,554
Fiber Cement Siding$5.10 – $11.44$10,707 – $23,600
Hardie Board$0.89 – $5.02$1,560 – $11,500
Natural Stone Siding$27 – $44.00$45,003 – 94,500
Stucco Siding$5.03 – $8.38$9,600 – $18,600
Vinyl Siding$1.21 – $8.45$2,121 – $15,205
Wood Siding$8.42 – $12.39$16,100 – $21,000

Zip Codes Served: 94089, 95002, 95008, 95013, 95014, 95032, 95035, 95037, 95050, 95054, 95070, 95110, 95111, 95112, 95113, 95116, 95117, 95118, 95119

From a 1500-square-foot house to a 4000-square-foot home, will help you find the best siding for your money.

Reliable Siding Installers in San Jose, CA

Below is a list of reliable siding installation companies in your area. Reach out to them directly or request to compare quotes and alternatives.

Exterior Experts
111 N Market St #362
San Jose, CA 95113

A Quality Construction
177 Park Ave suite 200
San Jose, CA 95113

Woorgog Home Siding Remodeling
2740-2780 Aborn Rd #938
San Jose, CA 95121

When to Replace Siding – Weather Impacts

In general most siding last between 20 to 40 years. Naturally, harsher weather conditions can impact the life of your siding significantly.

The beautiful weather in San Jose, California makes it one of the most popular destinations for tourists from all over. The average temperature ranges between 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 Celsius) during winter and 75° F/24 C in summers which makes this city definitely worth visiting.