How Much Does Solar Installation Cost in San Diego, CA?

Considering having solar panels installed? Want to compare prices for installation? Find out how much it costs to install a solar panel system in San Diego, CA with our guide. Use our free tool to compare prices in your area.


Solar Installation Cost Calculator

Compare the cost of solar installation from the top companies in San Diego, CA. The total amount you can save will depend on the size of your home as well as other factors. Use our fee cost guide to compare quotes in your area. If you’re considering solar installation in San Diego, CA then expect to invest $10,500 – $16,800 for smaller homes, while larger homes requiring more kilowatts will run upwards of $22,150 – $59,950.

Pros of Solar

  • Reduced electric bills
  • Increase in home value
  • Lower carbon footprint
  • Protection against rising power costs

Cons of Solar

  • Substantial upfront investment
  • Take a while to recover investment
  • Can’t take it with you if you move
  • Weather dependent

Solar Installation within 50 miles of these zip codes: 92037, 92101, 92102, 92103, 92104, 92105, 92106, 92107, 92108, 92109, 92110, 92111, 92113, 92114, 92116, 92117, 92119, 92122, 92123, 92124

Counties Served: Orange County, Riverside County, Los Angeles County

Find Solar Companies Near You
New Solar Installation in San Diego, CA

Residential and commercial solar installation is also available in these nearby San Diego, CA cities: Chula Vista, CA; Santee, CA; Poway, CA; Tijuana, CA

How Much Does Solar Save on Electricity?

The total amount you can save will depend on the size of your home as well as other factors. But the fact remains you will certainly save money if you switch to solar power. Just how much?

Well, per year, you could be looking at a saving of over $1,400 from your electricity bill. That’s because the average energy bill for an American household is roughly $1,408 each calendar year.

That works out at a saving of over $100 every single month.

Panel Type*Avg. Cost/kW – per wattEfficiencyApprox. Life – Expectancy
Polycrystalline$0.72-$1.0414%-21%25 years
Monocrystalline$1.20-$1.5217%-25%32 years
Thin-Film$1.05-$1.518%-14%16 years
*National average cost by type and kW

Compare Solar Installation Costs and Find The Best Solar Energy Companies in San Diego

Below is a list of solar companies in San Diego, CA. Reach out to them for quotes, or request pricing from up to four solar companies to compare your options.

Semper Solaris
964 Fifth Ave #510, San Diego, CA 92101

Sullivan Solar Power
8949 Kenamar Dr STE 101, San Diego, CA 92121

Vivint Solar
8090 Arjons Dr, San Diego, CA 92126

Action Solar
 6339 Nancy Ridge Dr, San Diego, CA 92121

The use of solar technologies is becoming more and more popular as we know that it’s clean, renewable energy. There are two main types: Passive Solar where sunlight stored by materials like glass or mirrors releases its energy when needed; Active Solar which uses lenses to focus light directly onto an electrical panel for conversion into electricity without using any fuel sources at all.

The Active Solar Techniques use photovoltaics, concentrated solar power, and other technologies to convert sunlight into useful outputs. Passive Solar Technologies include selecting materials with favorable thermal properties or designing spaces that naturally circulate air by using reflectors like mattresses placed on windowsills so they can better regulate the temperature throughout a building’s inhabitants’ rooms. The most common form of this type would be installing insulation between walls and ceilings where there isn’t any.

With the help of solar panels, you can now provide your home with hot water that’s both renewable and inexpensive. Solar systems use sunlight to heat up natural gas or propane tanks which then provide instant power for cooking purposes without having an electric bill! In middle geographical latitudes (between 40 degrees north and south), 60 – 70%of domestic hot-water needs are met by these energy-saving devices; they’re also able to generate pools’ swimming area temperature ranging from 50 °C – 59 °c.

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