How Much Does it Cost to Install a Bathtub for Seniors & Handicapped?

The national average to install a bathtub for seniors and handicapped individuals costs between $4100 and $7206. Are you thinking of adding a bathtub to your bathroom remodel? Here is a complete guide to the cost of tubs in 2021.

Did you know that falls are the second leading cause of death for unintentional injuries? The elderly are most at risk of having a fall that requires medical attention. In the United States, 20-30% of falls in the elderly lead to moderate or severe injuries.

Bathtubs can help prevent falls. Why? Bathrooms are fall-risks just waiting to happen. If your shower or bathtub is not equipped for easy access, it can create a tripping hazard and life-threatening problem for at-risk individuals.

Yet, any bathroom remodels can get pricey. What goes behind the cost estimate of bathtubs?

Bathtubs For Seniors and Handicapped

Over 80% of falls occur in the bathroom for those 65 and older. By considering transitioning to tubs, you could prevent future falls or reoccurring ones. A walk-in tub is a version of a bathtub with a watertight seal.

It usually has a door and low step – making it easier to navigate if you have a challenging time stepping over objects (such as the edge of a tub).

Once the door is closed, you can fill the tub like you normally would, but you will have to remain in the tub until it is fully drained before opening the door. You can further customize a tub by changing the dimensions in height, width, or step. Some can even be wheelchair accessible.

Another benefit is that you can safely sit down in bathtubs without having to worry about getting up from a low surface. And a tub allows more depth for water to fill compared to a standard bathtub. You can also customize your tub with handrails, anti-slip flooring, and other safety measures.

However, there are a few cons to installing a new tub. For starters, you will have a harder time adjusting the temperature as you have to step in and secure the door before starting the water. At the end of your bath, you have to wait until the water is completely drained before stepping out.

Both of these features are more time-consuming and some consumers have difficulty regulating the temperature when initially turning the faucet on.

Cost of Tub Installation

The cost of new bathtubs is dependent on a few factors – labor, the extent of bathroom remodeling, and the type of tub.

As previously mentioned, if you want added specs like ultra-wide doors for wheelchair access or anti-slip flooring, you will add to the overall cost of your new tub.

Labor is a bit harder to determine as it might vary from region to region. In general, labor can cost about half the price of the bathroom renovation. This averages to a range of $55 to $85 an hour.

If you are doing a large bathroom renovation, this can take up to a month to complete. While labor can be expensive, you want to make sure you go through a trusted and reliable company that is going to professionally install your new tub.

You definitely don’t want to cut corners on seeking out the cheapest labor.

Finally, the cost of a standard tub can range from $1,500 to $5,000. If you want a luxury bathtub with high-end features, you will be looking upwards of $20,000. Additionally, if you want a shower and tub combo you can pay anywhere from $2,500 to $6,000.

Insurance Coverage for Tub Installs

Often, if you have a fall, you might need surgery or an inpatient hospital stay. While working with physical and occupational therapy, it is noted that you will likely have some difficulties with transfers.

In many instances, the occupational therapist will recommend bathroom equipment before going home, otherwise known as durable medical equipment.

Since Medicare usually covers assistive devices such as walkers, wheelchairs, and canes, you might be asking if they will cover the cost of durable medical equipment.

Unfortunately, Medicare usually does not cover the expenses to renovate your bathroom – even if it is for safety and fall prevention reasons.

Some Medicaid programs provide minimal assistance with a bathroom remodel. However, if you are looking for a total out-of-pocket price for a standard tub and labor (without additional problems or renovation) then shoot for a $5,000 to $7,000 price range.

Most of the basic installation needs to be done by a professional service and sometimes you will need to bring a plumber in. Unless you have a contractor handy at your side, it is always recommended to go through a company to have something major like this installed – despite the added cost.

Bathroom Remodel For Elderly

If you want to fully renovate your bathroom while avoiding high costs then look at cutting out expensive tiles and countertops. Another helpful tip is to have a family member do the painting and installation of fixtures themselves. You’ll avoid tacking on added labor costs.

Some people find it beneficial to do a complete remodel if they are already going through the process of a new walk-in tub for the elderly.

Don’t neglect plumbers, contractors, and electricians if going through in-depth remodeling. All of this can add up and create a headache if you are searching for individuals and companies yourself.

Look for company websites that specialize in finding you highly skilled and professional contractors in your region. Not only will you get fair prices, but you will have access to reliable professionals to make sure your installation goes smoothly.

Is Installing a New Tub Worth the Cost?

Tubs seem like such a simple thing to prevent serious injury. However, with the high risks associated with falls in the bathroom – especially near the bathtub – it is crucial to consider transitioning to a safer option.

Finding contractors and cost estimates is a hassle. You want to find professional contractors at a reasonable price who will be able to talk you through the steps and design of your new walk-in tub.

Check out our services for local contractors that can complete all your bathroom remodels at a fair price and give you peace of mind.

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