How Much Does Solar Installation Cost in Manchester, NH?

Considering having solar panels installed? Want to compare prices for installation? Find out how much it costs to install a solar panel system in Manchester, NH with our guide. Use our free tool to compare prices in your area.

Solar Installation Cost Calculator

Compare the cost of solar installation from the top companies in Manchester, NH. The total amount you can save will depend on the size of your home as well as other factors. Use our fee cost guide to compare quotes in your area. If you’re considering solar installation then expect to invest $10,225 – $16,003 for smaller homes, while larger homes requiring more kilowatts will run upwards of $21,200 – $38,300.

Pros of Solar

  • Reduced electric bills
  • Increase in home value
  • Lower carbon footprint
  • Protection against rising power costs

Cons of Solar

  • Substantial upfront investment
  • Take a while to recover investment
  • Can’t take it with you if you move
  • Weather dependent

Solar Installation within 50 miles of these zip codes: 03101, 03102, 03103, 03104, 03109

Counties Served: Hillsborough County

New Solar Installation in Manchester, NH

Residential and commercial solar installation is also available in these nearby cities: Auburn, NH; Bedford, NH; Goffstown, NH; Chester, NH

How Much Does Solar Save on Electricity in New Hampshire?

The total amount you can save will depend on the size of your home as well as other factors. But the fact remains you will certainly save money if you switch to solar power. Just how much?

Per year, you could be looking at a saving of over $1,710 from your electricity bill.

Solar Efficiency Rates & Cost/kW

Panel Type*Avg. Cost/kW – per wattEfficiencyApprox. Life – Expectancy
Polycrystalline$0.72-$1.0514%-21%25 years
Monocrystalline$1.20-$1.5417%-25%32 years
Thin-Film$1.02-$1.558%-14%16 years
*National average cost by type and kW

Manchester Solar Cost by Panel Size

Solar Panel Sizes     Avg Solar Cost in Manchester, NH
2 kW     $5,988
3 kW     $9,122
4 kW     $12,099
5 kW     $14,871
6 kW     $18,670
7 kW     $21,200
8 kW     $24,550

Compare Solar Installation Costs and Find The Best Solar Energy Companies in Manchester, NH

Below is a list of solar companies in Manchester, NH. Reach out to them for quotes, or request pricing from up to four solar companies to compare your options.

Solar Wolf Energy
Skyview Rd, Manchester, NH 03104

Solar Components Corporation
121 Valley St, Manchester, NH 03103

Green Power Technologies
33 South Commercial Street # 6, Manchester, NH 031013

AWe Solar
555 Canal St Suite 1512, Manchester, NH 03101

Does the weather promote solar in New Hampshire?

The average monthly temperature in Manchester is 25.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 3 Celsius which makes it the coldest month out of all twelve months with an overall range between highs at 70°F (21 °C) and lows below 0 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 celcius). Humidity can vary greatly depending on where you live but generally speaking summertime tends to lean towards high levels due to moisture carried away by trade winds coming off Canada’s North Sea coastline while winters are dry enough without being icy!

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