How Much Does Solar Installation Cost in Fort Lauderdale, FL?

Considering having solar panels installed? Want to compare prices for installation? Find out how much it costs to install a solar panel system in Fort Lauderdale with our guide. Use our free tool to compare prices in your area.

Solar Installation Cost Calculator

Compare the cost of solar installation from the top companies in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The total amount you can save will depend on the size of your home as well as other factors. Use our fee cost guide to compare quotes in your area. If you’re considering solar installation in Fort Lauderdale then expect to invest $10,067 – $15,275 for smaller homes, while larger homes requiring more kilowatts will run upwards of $20,677 – $51,219.

Pros of Solar

  • Reduced electric bills
  • Increase in home value
  • Lower carbon footprint
  • Protection against rising power costs

Cons of Solar

  • Substantial upfront investment
  • Take a while to recover investment
  • Can’t take it with you if you move
  • Weather dependent

Solar Installation within 50 miles of these zip codes: 33004, 33301, 33304, 33305, 33306, 33308, 33309, 33311, 33312, 33315, 33316, 33317, 33319, 33334

Counties Served: Broward County

New Solar Installation in Fort Lauderdale

Residential and commercial solar installation is also available in these nearby cities: Pompano Beach, FL; Margate, FL; Sunrise, FL; Plantation, FL

How Much Does Solar Save on Electricity in Florida?

The total amount you can save will depend on the size of your home as well as other factors. But the fact remains you will certainly save money if you switch to solar power. Just how much?

Well, per year, you could be looking at a saving of over $1,700 from your electricity bill.

Solar Efficiency Rates & Cost/kW

Panel Type*Avg. Cost/kW – per wattEfficiencyApprox. Life – Expectancy
Polycrystalline$0.72-$1.0413%-22%25 years
Monocrystalline$1.21-$1.5216%-26%32 years
Thin-Film$1.02-$1.518%-14%16 years
*National average cost by type and kW

Fort Lauderdale Solar Cost by Panel Size

Solar Panel Sizes     Avg Solar Cost in Fort Lauderdale, FL
2 kW     $5,955
3 kW     $9,299
4 kW     $12,143
5 kW     $14,551
6 kW     $18,650
7 kW     $21,220
8 kW     $24,651

Compare Solar Installation Costs and Find The Best Solar Energy Companies in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Below is a list of solar companies in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Reach out to them for quotes, or request pricing from up to four solar companies to compare your options.

Florida Smart Energy, Inc
Fort Lauderdale, FL

ProSolar South Florida
4901 NW 17th Way Suite 406, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Hanson Street Solar LLC
1950 NW 22nd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311

A&A Solar Energy
220 NW 51st Ct, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

There are many different ways to harness the power of our Sun, one way being with solar energy. Solar panels provide a means for generating electricity by using radiant light and heat from your favorite star!

Solar power is a renewable, clean energy source that can be captured and distributed in many different ways. There are two main types: passive solar where the sunlight powers something through its own natural process; active varieties which use devices like photovoltaic panels to convert light into electricity for our uses here on Earth.

The use of solar energy is becoming more and more popular as we know that it can provide us with clean electricity, reduce our carbon footprint by eliminating fossil fuel consumption. Passive techniques include orienting buildings towards the Sun or selecting materials that have good thermal mass to store heat from natural light sources like windows insulating homes against cold winter months when power isn’t needed most but still make up for a lost time during daylight hours.

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